My view of the Canadian aviation marketplace is not necessarily the same as industry's, in the same way that my view of the telecommunications industry is also very different. I think we have almost virtualized monopolies. The restrictions on foreign investment in Canada are significant, and we don't have enough investment. If we could, probably the marketplace would be a bit more diversified and consumers would have more choice, but consumers have very little choice. Right now, there are few airlines that offer services, so this is pretty much what they can do, in the same way that in telecommunications there is some competition but not a lot.
I can't really comment specifically. There are different mechanisms in place, including the new process suggested that goes through the Competition Bureau and Transport Canada. In those kinds of instances, participation by public interest and consumer groups is really relevant to provide more targeted expertise as to what kind of impact that would have on consumers directly, but this is as far as I can really go with your question.