Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thanks to our witnesses for being here.
Before I begin, if you'll indulge me for just a moment, I'd like to communicate that I'm here with a bit of a heavy heart today. In Nova Scotia, we lost an absolute political giant yesterday with the passing of Allan J. MacEachen, who served as deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs and was responsible during his time in the health portfolio for implementing medicare. Despite all these incredible accomplishments in Ottawa, back home he's best known for his service to his constituents. As a young parliamentarian from Nova Scotia, I hope to emulate that today and over the course of my career.
In that spirit of standing up for Atlantic Canada, I can't help but notice that with the extended interswitching provisions that existed under Bill C-30 a specific sector and a specific region were impacted. Perhaps, Mr. Masterson, you may be best positioned to answer, although Mr. Nielsen pointed out that he has members in Atlantic Canada too. How does this bill service different sectors across the entire country, not just those in one important region?