Maybe I can start. The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act is very different. In other words, there is no sophisticated recall process under that act like there is under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. There is a provision, however, because that's lacking, that the minister could obviously ask for information.
In this particular case, we are not saying the minister shouldn't have that power. What we are saying is that the minister should be reasonable about asking for that information, that it must be pertinent to the alleged defect or non-compliance, rather than trying to circumvent or download, if you will, the compliance audit function that Transport Canada does. That is a safety guard, if you will. That is a function that is very important to Transport Canada, to go out and make sure the vehicles that are being sold do in fact meet the requirements that the manufacturer is certified to.
We are just worried about the misuse of that, that it's vague, and we are asking for a little more clarity and precision around that language.