—that you can easily see a scenario, though, where an LVVR captures some pretty egregious conduct in a cab and I think a right-thinking, reasonable person would want some kind of discipline. This is where I believe the regulations will have to be as watertight as possible to ensure the right thing is done the right way.
The testimony by Ms. Fox, who has been calling for the use of this technology for quite some time, clarified that in an environment of trust, or in a just environment, you can easily see how this could be a very productive measure, but she also left unsaid the fact that especially in the union they don't consider it to be a very just environment.
There have to be some protections, but at the same time we have to meet the overarching need for public safety. I think things will certainly come clear in the regulations. It's something that we would need to keep a very close eye on.