As a general comment, I think this amendment is, as you described, to say that some people like the extended interswitching and that in your view it's superior to the proposed long-haul interswitching.
To follow up on the comments made by our officials here, I think that Bill C-30 was the right thing to do. It was actually very smart at the time to help move product that was stranded, and I would have supported it at the time.
We've now had the benefit to consult across Canada. I keep thinking to myself that the starting point is not the draft legislation we all started with. Right now, there's not a system in place. I see long-haul interswitching as part of a pretty intricate balance that extends the ability of producers and shippers to move goods in different geographies, in different commodities.
When I look at some of the protections that are available here to shippers, I view this as a very positive bill from a shipper's perspective. I'm looking at data disclosure, retaining the maximum revenue entitlement, reciprocal penalties, adequate and suitable service.
I understand that there are some shippers in the grain industry in a limited geography who are familiar with a certain system, but I want to have my voice on the record as saying, given the starting point that we have right now, this is a pretty intricate balance that I think is really going to help shippers in different commodities, in different geographies, get their goods to market. I can't in good faith support an amendment that's going to essentially dismantle the long-haul interswitching system that is really the focus of a major portion of this bill.