Of course.
If I really wanted to act in bad faith, I would start explaining the amendment by taking five to 10 minutes, easily, to show why replacing “or” with “and” is warranted. I would also reiterate everything I said about making the minister, or the department, publish decisions in a reasonable and prescribed time frame.
Consider the situation of a Canadian who is concerned about automobile safety and thus following a particular issue because, as the owner of a certain model of vehicle, he is directly affected. That Canadian is being told that the minister's decisions will be published on the Internet site as soon as feasible. That's ridiculous, especially since no one can come up with any examples where publication wasn't possible within a certain time frame.
A number of amendments to the bill were made for the sake of consistency. I imagine, then, that, despite the lack of logic, the Liberals are going to vote against all of these amendments for the sake of consistency.
A very simple idea is being missed here: ensuring that all Canadians can easily find the information they need on the Internet site and any other site the department wishes to use within a prescribed time frame.
I don't know what more I can say about NDP amendment 3, which is being proposed for the exact same reasons as our previous amendment, but which deals with another part of the bill. We are seeking the same change four or five times for the sake of consistency and, I would even say, transparency.
If the officials were able to give me one example, it might help me better understand the members' concern. I can't find a single example where the minister would be justified in not publishing the order once the decision-making process was complete.
I can appreciate the desire to keep the discussions confidential while the process is ongoing. Once it's over, however, it's over. People have a right to the information. If everything the government says about transparency is true, why is it such a problem to publish the decision within two, three, four, or five days? I'm baffled.