To that point, though, sir—and I'm not here to debate this, to be quite honest—at one point you're saying that nobody can be perfect, but then you're expecting the tankers, which have an almost perfect track record, to be more than perfect.
For somebody sitting here—and I'm not from British Columbia, I'm from Ontario, but I am along a Great Lake, so I appreciate the importance of clean water and safety and so forth—I scratch whatever hair I have left and wonder how we can say, on one hand, tankers be perfect, yet we will spill sewage into our waterways almost in perpetuity in those areas. I can't understand that.
Anyway, we'll move on. I want to ask the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers a question on the schedule that's listed in the bill.
Is it your argument that there should be certain types removed from the schedule now? Do you want certain ones taken off now, or are you saying that further science and research should be done immediately to make the argument for them to be removed?