Thank you very much.
I would like to answer that with the question that our chiefs from the communities have put to us. How is crude oil such a bad thing in our traditional territory but not such a bad thing out of Vancouver harbour or the Salish Sea, which is up for designation as a world heritage site of some kind? It doesn't make any sense. It's arbitrary. It doesn't make sense that you can ship oil everywhere in Canada but in an area that is our traditional territory.
I am Tsimshian. I'm from Lax Kw'alaams. John is my brother. We undertook this project because we are concerned about the environment. We have developed an ocean protection plan that meets a standard that's much higher than what is being proposed for shipping bitumen out of Vancouver harbour. We wouldn't support that. We would support something that had specific differences from what is being proposed and was a much higher standard.
The communities that are supporting our project felt that what we had come up with as an environmental model had met a standard that was a balance and that protected the environment everywhere—not just in the ocean but on the land, too.