Yes. We had experts address this extensively, and we have virtually no protections in the north right now, virtually nothing. If you want to deal effectively with an oil spill, you have to have assets on the ground right away.
In Alaska, they have assets situated all the way out the route that the tankers are transiting. There are big barges with equipment. They have a fishing vessel owner program. They have, I believe, 1,100 fishermen on a list of who can help to clean up the spill who they can phone immediately. They have state-of-the-art technology requiring all of the technology associated with cleaning anything up, but the most important thing about that model is that it's prevention-centred.
People used to think in terms of cleaning up spills and being organized to clean up spills, but the new state-of-the-art models in the world now are prevention-oriented so that you never have a spill.