Thank you.
You have raised the issue of risk reports. Two meetings back, I requested of Transport Canada to provide me and the committee the risk reports that Transport Canada required. To date they have not been forthcoming. In particular, I asked for the risk reports for all rail lines that go through Alberta. I have not received those, and I would appreciate it if you would provide those so that all the committee could see them.
Today it has been revealed that warnings have not been issued to the communities in the 500 highest-risk rail crossings. The top 10 include Spruce Grove, just west of our city, and then after that is Wabamun. My city has had to use two-thirds of the infrastructure money that will be forthcoming to them to deal with dangerous rail crossings.
Will the rail companies testifying here today provide those risk assessments? How can the mayors be reassured when they have not even been told which of the crossings in their municipalities are at highest risk, so that they can make the demand that those be made safer?