Moving on to the Nathan E. Stewart, which ran aground near Bella Bella in 2016, spilling more than 110,000 litres of its more than 200,000-litre fuel capacity, the spill impacted marine wildlife and altered the livelihoods of the members of the Heiltsuk Nation.
Cleanup efforts were repeatedly hampered by bad weather, and the vessel was not recovered until more than a month after it sank, I believe. If the tug's 6,600-tonne barge had been fully loaded when it hit the rocks, it could have spilled one-third of the volume of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill of refined fuel.
This bill doesn't cover refined fuel products, so the threats of another Nathan E. Stewart remain. My question is this: does there need to be new legislation to cover spills like this, or how do we address this kind of spill, which seems large and affects a coastal community in a negative way? I'm not sure which department wants to take that.