We think there would probably be less impact. A lot of those larger buildings would have cast iron services going into them, so probably the predominant amount of lead would very well come from the older internal plumbing, meaning the lead from the solder, lead from brass fixtures, and lead from fountains. We've seen that some of the old fountains have been very problematic, not just in Dalhousie—and you heard Dr. Gagnon talk about that—but also in City Hall.
The good news is that City Hall replaced all their fountains and have new ones that are clear and clean. They have banned bottled water as a result, so we're very pleased to be able to tell you that. They drink from the tap, but they have taken steps to check their own premises.
Others should do similarly and check their plumbing and their fountains. As Dr. Gagnon also said, there was quite a wave of fountains that came across the border that really were not suitable for installation.