—transport, that type of thing. Alaska and San Francisco and Los Angeles would obviously be much better suited than would a port that can't handle a supertanker.
Just so committee members are aware, there are provisions in the act already that allow for national defence exemptions and other emergency exemptions. What we're concerned about is that the way the exemptions are written right now, there isn't public disclosure of those exemptions. They're not cited or gazetted.
I can give you a scenario in which a tanker is exempted and the reasons aren't made public or justified or don't need to be justified. The minister can simply, as the act is written right now, get notification that a tanker would like to land and can exempt it. That's it.
That to me runs contrary to the spirit of what a north coast moratorium on supertankers would look like. Why use it if there are other aspects of the act that allow for national defence and emergency to override the moratorium in some sort of imagined crisis in which earthquakes and tsunamis have hit the west coast?