This is also quite pertinent because of the recent events facing the Heiltsuk Nation this past weekend. This clause seeks to provide an enhancement of oil spill response recovery on the northwest coast.
If colleagues will recall, just yesterday I was up in the House questioning Minister Garneau about the proposal from the Heiltsuk community, the same community that's facing the threat from the Nathan E. Stewart and the recent incident this past Sunday, which is that the ability to actually enforce a moratorium and the ability to properly respond to large events, but also to some of the smaller-scale events, are directly correlated to the ability of the government to physically put materials into the environment. These are booms. These are tug responses. These are the various things that the communities of the Heiltsuk, the Haida, and the coast in general have been calling for.
About a year ago, the government announced its coastal strategy. It's been a year since then and there has not been as much activity on the ground and on the water as people would have liked to see. This is simply an enhancement to the legislation to ensure that there is an improvement to the oil spill response on the northwest coast of British Columbia.