Zero out of three. It's almost torture, but I'll try my luck again.
The amendment reads as follows:
That Bill C-344, in Clause 1, be amended by adding after line 17 on page I the following: “(2.1) The information to be provided must specify:
The current clause doesn't specify anything. But I humbly submit to this committee that we could include in the bill guidelines that would allow us to better measure the achievement of our objectives when the time comes for the report. I'll continue:
(a) the number of apprentices the bidder plans to employ, broken down by trade; (b) the measures that he or she intends to implement to help these apprentices complete their training under the apprenticeship contracts; and (c) the measures that he or she intends to take to increase the employment opportunities for apprentices who are women, Aboriginal persons, newcomers, at-risk youth, veterans or local residents or for apprentices who belong to any other prescribed category of persons.”
You can see that, through each of these amendments, we are trying to go beyond the intent. Right now, with all the amendments that have been rejected, the bill is a road paved with good intentions where no obligations are required. As a result, there can be no results. There may be some, but we aren't giving ourselves the means to ensure it.