To that point, in Bridgewater we've had the Cormorant, which is a former naval vessel that has sunk at the wharf and then been refloated at great cost. It probably would have been easier to remove that vessel to refloat it and clean it. Now it's still sitting there, listing, and the possibility that it could sink again is still there.
The Town of Bridgewater has spent a great deal of time and effort and money revitalizing their downtown core. They have spent a lot of community time and effort to build parks and green spaces, and then you look out and you see this ship.
I just want to make sure there is a way for us to address those kinds of problems when towns are faced with an economic burden because of them. They don't own the wharf that it's at, but it's affecting their ability to capitalize on tourism and it's affecting their ability to use the river in the best way possible. I think it would be great to see that this bill can address those problems as well.