Thank you, Madam Chair.
I want to say hello to the minister and those who are accompanying him.
It will be my pleasure to ask you questions soon.
That said, Madam Chair, I would first like to table a notice of motion presented by my colleague Robert Aubin, member for Trois-Rivières, on Friday, March 16. I will read it.
That the Committee undertake an emergency study of no less than three meetings on:
- the measures that the government intends to take in order to prevent any future delays in the implementation of infrastructure projects;
- the details on the progress of infrastructure projects to date; and
- a full update on the government's plan to spend $186.7 billion on infrastructure;
and that the Committee make recommendations and report to the House by June 2018.
Madam Chair, I hope you will find unanimous consent among my committee colleagues for undertaking this urgent study.