I call the meeting of the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure, and Communities back to order.
We will now continue with our study of the subject matter of interim estimates 2018-2019: votes 1, 5, and 10 under Office of Infrastructure of Canada; vote 1 under the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated; and vote 1 under the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority.
We are delighted to welcome the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. Minister Sohi is accompanied by his officials: Ms. Darlene Boileau, assistant deputy minister for corporate services and chief financial officer, as well as Ms. Kelly Gillis, deputy minister for infrastructure and communities.
For the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges, we have Mr. Claude Lachance, senior director, administration.
For the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, we have Ms. Linda Hurdle, chief operating office, as well as André Juneau, interim chief executive officer.
Welcome, everyone, to our committee. We appreciate your being here.
Mr. Sohi, please begin your opening remarks.