In terms of support, I think the best guidance I could give you is the open letter that our president and CEO, Ed Sims, sent to members on December 10. That really is the best reference point for how we feel about those issues. As Mr. Rheault noted in his comments, we are under an NDA with respect to the actual negotiations and the substance of those, but I would refer you to that letter, because it does speak to how we see that issue.
With respect to the wage subsidy, we appreciate that. We have been thankful for the government. It has meant a lot to our people to stay connected to WestJet. You know how passionate our employers are for the work they do, so the ability to tie them to the company, which is the purpose of the program, has been valuable. We requested that the program be extended earlier in 2020, and the government agreed, and they did that, so kudos on CEWS.
Any comment that we make about additional support is not to minimize the value of that program, because it has been valuable, but you are correct. CEWS, no matter how you slice it, is not a robust industry recovery plan or an assistance package at all consistent with what other G7 nations and other countries have done.