I have a similar answer. That was probably one of the biggest challenges faced by the airlines. I know that Air Canada—or was it WestJet, I can't remember. One of them had in excess of 400 pilots who have essentially been sitting dormant. It's a very daunting task to get them back up to speed.
One of the things that we did above and beyond the bare minimum was to issue an interim order, which mandated that those pilots go through that training. It was never a concern that they would not. It was literally a belts and braces approach to make sure that every single pilot who gets cleared to go back on the aircraft has gone through the now enhanced and highly emphasized training for these pilots. That was an activity that was undertaken by the airlines even before the release of our AD. The training material was available. The airlines were up working on training their pilots even before we were ready to return the aircraft to service. Part of that training is in a simulator. Part of that training is in the actual aircraft.
That was a very significant effort that was carried out by the airlines.