Minister, I'm asking for a total amount of private sector investment. That's the question. We can all agree. Our party made commitments to public transit. We committed to expanding the GO line. We've made commitments for infrastructure in Montreal and those types of public transit.
Here's the thing with the infrastructure bank; this was supposed to be a marquee institution. This was a marquee project. This was the Prime Minister's brilliant new innovative way to build the country. Your government courted investors worth hundreds of billions of dollars, the richest bankers and the wealthiest hedge fund managers. You even held a fancy party with all the bells and whistles at the Shangri-La Hotel, trying to unlock $16 trillion in institutional funds that you claimed were floating around the world waiting to invest. So far you haven't been able to complete a single thing.
Your government, your ministers and your CEOs at the bank have all made amazing claims that the $35 billion in taxpayers' money the infrastructure bank has would be able to unlock twice or four times, and even seven times the investment from the private sector. You've got a dozen or so projects listed on your website. Most of them are at the memorandum of understanding phase or the advisory services phase. It doesn't seem to me that providing advisory services on a project is going to unleash and unlock that private sector investment.
Where is all of this private sector money that you claimed would be coming in to take an ownership position to replace the need for taxpayers' money? In other words, what is the total—not just one project, but the total, so that we can evaluate if you're hitting your own metric? Your own metric is at least twice, and maybe four times, in private sector investment. What is the grand total of private sector investment in ownership of the projects that the Canada Infrastructure Bank is currently involved in?