I want to highlight the project that Mr. Romoff has spoken about. There are a number of projects where indigenous communities have some equity that they could invest within their community in an opportunity also to bring revenue back into their community. It provides the chance for them to partner, to participate and to determine the outcomes of their community instead of the years we've been in place where our future was determined and planned for us.
If we look at indigenous communities that potentially have partnered on other projects, they have a revenue stream and equity that they want to be able to invest back into the infrastructure in their community, but if we look at the commitment that governments in the past and through the Constitution have made to communities, there is a role and a responsibility for government to play in that.
As I've said before, there are private investment corporations and private investors who believe in reconciliation in this community and understand the benefit and the effect that it can have when you have infrastructure, when you can have clean water, green energy and clean and energy-efficient houses, and when you can participate in the economy through broadband and run your business. The opportunity to unlock economic development within those communities and support business development in those communities is going to go back to support the GDP across Canada and Canada's economy. I think the impact of some of that investment is well known and the benefits have yet to be really, fully realized.