Let me first talk about lapses.
Generally speaking, governments are funded by appropriations that work on an annual basis. If any department doesn't spend its allocated funding in a year, it usually lapses. It doesn't get spent. That is unless the government re-profiles that and makes the conscious decision to take the unused amounts and re-profile them to put them into subsequent years. In that sense, you could say that lapsing can amount to a cut in the absence of any subsequent decision to re-profile, which the government has indeed decided to do in the case of infrastructure projects. It has [Technical difficulty—Editor] lapsed at the end of any given year.
With respect to the bottleneck, I don't think I'm the best person to talk about the bottleneck. While we did do that blog post on the bank, we have not studied in wide detail the reasons for delays and how infrastructure projects work, generally speaking. It's widely understood that infrastructure projects span several years, but an institution like the bank is probably fully aware of that and in our opinion should probably be able to plan accordingly.