Thank you.
While I appreciate Mr. Fillmore's comments, I would say that only the Liberal Party seems to view accountability and transparency as some kind of political interference.
We have a situation such that we are trying to get more information out of the Canada Infrastructure Bank. It's been a bit of a challenge to do so.
I would view your proposed amendment as a wonderful suggestion for a separate motion. I would love to have Mr. Ehren Cory come back, and he could speak to this as well as to some unresolved questions regarding the bank's operations and mandates. I don't see the two as being mutually exclusive at all.
If the company involved, ITC Holdings, wants to keep its operations confidential, if it wants to keep its project proposals secret, if it doesn't want to divulge information, there are tons of lending institutions in Canada that provide that kind of service. It can go to the CIBC or RBC.
It's owned by a company called Fortis Inc., which had over $8.9 billion worth of revenue last year. It paid out over $800 million to shareholders last year alone. I'm sure it has a wonderful relationship with financial institutions in Canada. If it were looking for assistance to get this project built, there are a number of lending institutions that provide that kind of confidentiality.
When you go to government, when you look for government to provide that type of assistance, I believe it is essential that taxpayers know exactly what they're on the hook for. We have a situation here in which the Canada Infrastructure Bank, using taxpayers' dollars, has made an announcement. Not even all of the details are provided on their web page, and on this point I'd just like to make a comparison.
I'm sorry, but I think someone is not on mute, there.