I'd just like to make a comparison. Even for the Réseau project in Montreal, at the very least on the website for that project the bank has included the repayment schedule and the interest rate. For this project, we don't have that at all.
I don't believe and I don't accept at all for a second that in providing this committee with the opportunity to go over how this decision was made, we're being told that the bank is supposed to use public money to leverage private dollars. Here we have a situation in which it's the exact opposite, and private money seems to be leveraging public money. I believe it's eminently responsible for the bank to show this committee on what it based its decision to spend $655 million worth of taxpayers' money.
I'd be happy to hear what other members have to say on that.
I reserve the right to come back if there is more discussion on this, Mr. Chair, so I'll lower my hand and raise it back up again, and hopefully I can respond to other points that are made.