They're simply going to transport it more efficiently and in larger quantities that are needed. It's a general cargo railroad with a passenger component to it.
It's a simple method of flying stuff in or driving it in on an ice road. Heating is done through burning Bunsen burners and whatnot. Then food has to be flown in or driven in on an ice road. That results in the cost. With regard to that $8 bag of Doritos, probably $7 of that is the fuel and transportation to get it up there. I mean, I'm good friends with an architect by the name of Douglas Cardinal, and he said that Canada's north is not just third world; it's fourth world. The only way we're going to alleviate these disparities is through economic parity. If you don't have proper infrastructure going up north, you're never going to achieve economic parity. It's that simple. It's shocking.
J.P., do you want to talk about that?