Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
In the testimony that we have previously heard at this committee, a number of witnesses were most interested in the issue of certification and the experts working on it. Mr. Primeau and his colleague, Mr. Alarie, two engineers who specialize in critical systems, came to testify. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Turnbull, I believe that your testimony came shortly after theirs, if I recall correctly. Perhaps you were even able to be here for it.
Among the recommendations that were made, two caught my attention.
The first was that, with all regulations that apply to changed products, all the acquired rights provisions that normally apply would no longer be deemed to be acquired, especially if something was new or had been changed in a critical system that had previously been certified.
The second was that, in trials, all new critical systems, or all critical systems, must be tested in an integrated way with all the related systems. That is to say that, as soon as a system is modified, the entire aircraft is tested, including everything related to a critical system, rather than testing solely the critical element as such. This eliminates the acquired rights category.
I would like to know whether Transport Canada intends to adopt those two recommendations.