Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Like last time when this was presented, I can't support this. There's a reason we go in camera for certain items. That's to protect employees, human resources, legal situations, legal discussions and proprietary situations of a lot of different companies that give testimony. It's with respect to that, as well as other situations, such as a negotiation between a union and a company that might come up and we might have to discuss it as a committee.
By the way, I'm not a fan of in camera meetings and I like to see everything out in the open, but it's not up to me in situations such as that. It's with all due respect to those witnesses who come, give testimony, and actually trust that the process won't disclose a lot of what they don't want to disclose in terms of, as I mentioned earlier, those things that should be held in confidence.
That said, in camera meetings are appropriate. They should only be taking place when those things are being infringed upon, such as HR negotiations or legal.
I think Mr. Bachrach, as a former mayor, will be fully aware of that in terms of what municipal acts in different provinces entail, and again, it's with all due respect to those people we deal with.
Unfortunately, Taylor, I won't be able to support this.