Thank you.
To pick up on the comments by my colleague Mr. Strahl as well as the comments by Mr. Bachrach and Mr. Barsalou-Duval, certainly there are contradictions and questions that have arisen as a result of the Minister of Environment's comments. I think that there is a consensus that there is a need for the minister and other ministers to come and speak before this committee, so I would suggest a subamendment.
As Mr. Strahl has indicated, this is an urgent issue. That's why we're having an emergency meeting. Within 14 days is quite reasonable, given the fact that this has already festered for eight or nine days since the comments were made. We're already approaching the 30-day mark when you add that in.
Let me suggest a subamendment to Mr. Barsalou-Duval's amendment, that we change “30 days” to “14 days” and that we add “for one hour each separately”. The amendment is:
That the motion be amended (a) by replacing the words “within 30 days” with the words “within 14 days”; (b) by adding after the words “of this motion being adopted” the words “, for one hour each, separately”; and by adding after paragraph (c) the following paragraph: “And that the committee seek additional resources, if necessary, to accommodate these appearances.”
I'll propose that and turn over the floor.