Thank you for the question.
Sashen, I may turn to you in a moment.
I just have three points. First, I absolutely agree with the idea that more transmission connections across this country are important to creating a reliable grid and meeting our electricity needs, whether that's in the Atlantic region as Professor Winfield mentioned.... Saskatchewan and Manitoba he didn't mention, but in British Columbia and Alberta, there's a similar story about creating better connections, and for sure Ontario and Quebec. I would say it's not a question of either-or. We would absolutely be...and we have been talking to the electric utilities.
I met with people from Hydro-Québec last week, for example.
We talked about their priorities and their needs for investment.
Second, we're investors, we invest in projects. When the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator and the Ontario government say it is a project they support, meaning the Lake Erie connector, and they think it's important to the reliability of the grid, GDP and export potential for us, and GHG emissions reductions, it's a project with benefits so we're willing to invest in it. If they also come to us and want to upgrade interties to Quebec, that would be very interesting for us as well.
The last point I'll make is this line actually does provide benefit to Hydro-Québec. Right now Hydro-Québec does not have a way to export power to PJM either. They connect to New York very well, but not to PJM. In the modelling that's been done, there is some economic benefit from Hydro-Québec also moving power through Ontario into the U.S. market using this line.