In answer to the follow-up, just to be clear, at the CIB our internal costs are made up of only salary and staff costs, some office rent and some computers. We are a knowledge-based organization, so the fact that salaries make up the majority of our expenses is actually not, in my mind, surprising. The balance between base and variable compensation, as I said, is designed to make our performance transparent and our compensation linked to actually meeting the tangible goals we set, not only in dollar deployment but in achieving outcomes like the number of new homes connected to broadband, the number of indigenous communities with access to better infrastructure, etc.
Now to the question about transparency, I think the CIB has made a significant investment in its transparency. Monsieur Duguay, who is our general counsel, also leads much of our work around transparency and can speak to this. Our publishing, whether it's on our internal expenses or salary costs.... You're quoting to us our salary costs. We try to always provide up-to-date, accurate and transparent information around all of the money we're spending, including on projects and third parties, which you can also see in our reports.