I can actually comment, MP Muys, on the question you had just before, with respect to bonuses. You may recall that we dealt with major infrastructure projects in our government through the P3 Canada model, which was a Crown corporation. Within a Crown corporation, any kind of bonusing actually goes through the Prime Minister, so it's a really good way to ensure that you are accountable for the bonuses and that they're kept to a certain level.
I can understand the structure of the CIB. It can grant its own bonuses without being tied back to the government and the taxpayer. That can be difficult to see, without question. That's why I always preferred the P3 model and the Crown corporation model when it came to funding these infrastructure projects.
To the second question, you raise a really good point. You can see that the Province of British Columbia actually suffered from a downgrading of its creditworthiness by Moody’s, and then a levelling off or a negative call from Standard and Poor's—or Standard and Poor's was the reduction, and then it was Moody's. The reason why they did it was that they were very concerned about the continuous deficits that we're having, and there was no ability to understand whether or not we were ever going to come out of them.
There's a very real danger. Even though B.C. is spending a lot of money on infrastructure, it can't just spend on infrastructure and assume that it's all going to be okay on the credit rating side, because banks want to see that there's going to be a way out and that there's a plan out of all these deficits.
In the case of B.C., it's a living example for all of us to look to the federal government in the same view: Are you sure that what you're doing isn't going to cause us to have a downgrade in our borrowing accreditation?