Thank you very much.
I absolutely think the efforts that the CIB made on due diligence will benefit the project going forward. If you look at this, we have lots of different partners that we work with. If we were to start with a fresh partner, they would have to start their due diligence efforts from scratch. What we are looking at with the CIB is that we are not starting from scratch. We are starting from a very different place. Yes, different system changes have taken place and economic changes have taken place. There are lots of other moving pieces, but at the same time, not starting from scratch is really important, so I believe there is a reuse for some of the due diligence that has taken place.
I'm not really familiar with exactly what due diligence the CIB has done, but I feel very comfortable saying that at least a portion of that could be redone and not started over again when we move the transaction forward.