I'll jump in on that one to start the ball rolling.
When we talk about the way we look at services in Canada, if there is one part of the population in Canada that really is getting the short end of the stick when it comes to air services, it's the north. The north has been served by carriers that are subsidized by various levels of provincial governments over the years, and the first nations themselves are subsidizing some of that traffic.
However, it is very expensive to fly in northern Canada, and we need specialized pieces of equipment, specialized pilots to fly in that part of the world. If we consider that we need to invest in the future of our country—and the north is very much a part of this country—I would say that the backstop should be the federal government.
The first level of support should come from the provincial governments. They know best. They know the communities that need it, and they've built and supported the infrastructure in those communities. There should be decisions made based on provincial government needs, but there should be a corresponding backstop by the federal government when it comes to funding required to support those services.