You raise a great point. This is what we call the “Flair effect”. When Flair enters a market, it brings prices down for all the participants in the market. The Flair effect, on average, has resulted in a 34% reduction in fares in the markets that we operate in relative to what it was prior, and that's for all Canadians.
Whether people like Flair or not, people should be thankful that Flair is in there and competing, because we bring that benefit. We've estimated that to be in excess of $700 million since Flair really started to accelerate in 2021: $700 million of money that's gone into the pockets of Canadians at a time when affordability is one of the big questions on everyone's lips. Prices are going up across the board. Flair is doing the opposite. We're pulling prices down, and that money that stays in the customer's pocket flows through the economy generally, so it's good for everyone.
The specific example you raise, Toronto and Ottawa, is a market that's actually dominated by the big guys, and we don't believe that we could compete effectively there.