We are a platform for business. We are a public asset. We enable our airlines. Our airlines are doing whatever they can to continue to make travel more affordable and accessible for Canadians. Nothing comes easy for secondary and tertiary airports like ours, Kitchener and Hamilton. We always have to be innovative and creative.
If you look at 1997 to 2003, it was really free parking and WestJet's low fare stimulating things. It's been the same thing from 2016 onwards with the ULCC movement that was built around Abbotsford, Hamilton and Edmonton. That movement showcased that there is demand.
Bellingham was doing 700,000 Canadians in 2013 of 1.3 million approximately. As to the numbers today, obviously the dollar has changed and the airline activity has changed. I believe we're still below 2019 numbers. I believe there are a fair number of Canadians—approximately 50% or more of Allegiant travellers—crossing the border. Our airlines did offer four flights a week to Seattle. The movement was building, but then COVID hit our airports and our airlines significantly.