Sure. There are two ways.
In some communities, the lack of infrastructure is a bottleneck to housing growth. They literally don't have the service capacity to add new homes in particular parts of the community, and they don't have the financial means to pay for those services to be established.
The first and most direct way is we're going to help pay for the infrastructure so they actually have the water pipe that will ensure that water comes out when you turn the tap. That's the most direct way. However, it's also going to have a very positive and indirect benefit: It will inspire more home building in a given community because we're restricting eligibility to communities that adopt certain kinds of changes that make it easier and faster to build homes, including freezing development cost charges; including adopting more as-of-right zoning, so you don't get tied up in council for a year to get an approval for a basic project; including adopting designs from the national home design catalogue that will make them easier to get through the process; including adopting changes to the building code that will help develop consistency in home production through designs that are more affordable for the person to live in at the end of the day.
There are a number of different ways, both direct and indirect, but we're putting money on the table to incentivize changes to the rules, and that money can be used to build the infrastructure that makes it possible to build houses.