In that regard, Mr. Chair, and in light of that revelation, I'd like to table here today a notice of motion to get to the bottom of the allegations of corruption around Sustainable Development Technology Canada, also known as the green slush fund, and how one of its directors ended up appointed to the board of the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
My motion reads as follows:
Given that
(a) Sustainable Development Technologies Canada, a billion-dollar taxpayer fund, is under investigation by the Auditor General and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner;
(b) a former director of the fund, Andrée-Lise Méthot, helped to send multiple companies in which she has a financial interest millions of dollars, and despite this, the government appointed her as a director to the Canada Infrastructure Bank;
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee order the Canada Infrastructure Bank to provide the committee, within seven days of the adoption of this motion,
(a) the resignation letter of Andrée-Lise Méthot,
(b) a comprehensive and detailed summary of the projects and the funds that she oversaw during her time on the CIB board,
(c) any internal communications regarding or relating to her resignation from the board, and
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee call the following witnesses to testify before the committee for no less than two hours each: Andrée-Lise Méthot, founder and managing partner of Cycle Capital; Jayne Huntley, PCO director of appointments; Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs; and Ehren Corey, CEO of the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
We will send a copy of this motion, Chair, to the clerk for translation and distribution to the members of the committee.
I thank you for this opportunity and cede the rest of my time to my colleague Mr. Davidson.