I just would like some clarification here. Obviously, we would prefer that we receive this while the House is in session. Perhaps that would be more of a 14-day type of a timeline, if seven is unreasonable. I think we can argue about that if we want to.
If the majority of the committee votes in favour of Mr. Bittle's amendment to delete the beginning of this motion and to amend the number of days, does the committee have the ability to receive that during an adjournment, or are we then looking at September 15 before these documents are actually turned over to us?
I guess I just want some clarification. I think 30 days is too long. I think that punts this into the summer and outside of the accountability function of a sitting Parliament. I would oppose it, but I'm just wondering what the implications are if it does pass, in terms of our ability to receive documents under an order.