You know, the airfare part is something that is hard, but I think a certain amount of minimum service could be a requirement of a licence. It could be a requirement. If you're going to operate in British Columbia, in Canada or wherever, there should be some requirement to say that you're going to maintain a minimum amount of service in this community or that community.
We actually do a fairly good job of holding Air Canada accountable on a regular basis. We will call them up and say, listen, have you looked at your fares out of Prince Rupert? Have you looked at your fares out of Terrace? We'll ask them why, and they'll do something. But if you don't keep your eyes on them, they bump them.
This was my frustration, honestly, when I worked for the airline industry. Well, it was then CP Air. We had the highest revenue miles flying in and out of northern communities, like Prince Rupert, anywhere in the system. We made more money in revenue miles than they did flying to Tokyo or anywhere else, yet they would put all their equipment into battling each other between Calgary and Vancouver. Really? Come make some money up here. That's the most frustrating part. They can make money here, but they are just intent on fighting with each other for market share.