Yes. Absent my accountant being here, I mean, anything new and incremental certainly does add to our operating cost.
To your point about the airlines and fees and regimes, it's important to keep in mind that Gander airport is a national airports system airport. We took the airport on behalf of the federal government with the intent that the community was best positioned to represent the airport's needs and the needs of constituents, but it was also based on airports being self-sustaining and recovering their costs through user fees. We've done a very good job of that, I believe, in most ways. The last year Transport Canada operated the airport before transfer, I think they lost $12 million before capital investment in today's dollars. They had 155 employees. In the 20 years that we've run it, it's only since the pandemic that we've not covered our operating costs or have had loss-making years.
I'm sorry.