For the north side of it, again, air service is basically the Trans-Canada Highway for the north, for the Arctic. You have to have it. Everywhere in the Arctic relies on it. Goods and services are going 12 months of the year. The pandemic did not affect any of the operations at the airports. If anything, it increased them. You have medevac flights coming out of there all the time. It's good.
I want to make one comment, though, about pilot shortages. Everybody has mentioned that. You may have already heard this, I don't know, but it costs $140,000 to train a pilot today to their commercial level of 250 hours. You really need 500 hours just to get into the right-hand seat of a commercial aircraft. Children are not going forward and getting a pilot's licence like they did in the past. Unless there's some help with that aspect of it, you'll always have a pilot shortage.