Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like to welcome the witnesses who are here today, starting with Mr. Bijimine, who I'd like to wish a happy birthday.
Mr. Bijimine, you said in your opening remarks that you think regional air transportation poses a complex problem for which there isn't necessarily an easy solution.
In this study and the previous one, we've heard from a lot of witnesses so far, and connections can be made between the two studies. The major point that came out of the testimony and that seems to be the consensus is the fact that the operating costs of air carriers in the regions are enormous and that this undermines their profitability.
The more costs are added to the operating costs, the more difficult it becomes for carriers to be profitable. Almost all the witnesses have said that regional air transportation is not a simple service whose problems can be solved only by following the user‑pay principle.
Is that how you see the situation at the department?