Pardon me. I didn't catch all the interpretation, but I think I understood the essential part of the question on competition. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.
As you can understand, the low volume that we have here in the region isn't very attractive to businesses. We've previously had as many as 100,000 passengers here in Mont-Joli, some 20 years ago. That's no longer the case today.
For a carrier to be profitable, it has to serve many airports so it can establish a critical mass of passengers, as it were. The problem, however, is that most airports have been retroceded and have to charge landing fees in order to pay their costs.
For example, take a carrier that has some passengers in Mont-Joli, others in Gaspé and so on. It has to pay landing fees that may range from $500 to $2,000 depending on the aircraft it uses. That has an excessive impact on its operations. If the airline serves two, three or four airports, those landing fees may eat up most of the profit it would otherwise make. As a result, ticket prices rise and people in the regions are even less interested in flying. This situation explains why there isn't really any competition.