Absolutely. I would say the biggest thing is the infrastructure deficiency. That's our main problem, aside from the fuel issue.
We have very short, very narrow runways. Our runways are gravel. If there's slush.... Let's say it snows in the spring and the fall. It's what happens; we get slush. We will try to fly into a community like that and we will write off our propellers, which will be a $250,000 thing that just comes out of nowhere. We've done that before in landing in our communities.
The service is so important to us, and we don't cancel our flights. We just try our best to get our flights in there. We'll wait. We'll wait as much as we can, but then there are some things that we just have to cancel.
We try our best. One thing that I know about us is that we do try to work with what we have.
Our navigational systems are a little bit primitive. Just recently, within the last eight years, we got instrument approaches into some of our communities. Some of our weather reporting isn't available after five o'clock. Some places have cameras, but there aren't cameras in every location.
There are a lot of different things that affect us. The infrastructure is one thing, but there's also the availability of fuel. Fuel is the biggest problem for us right now.
Thank you so much for your question.