Thank you.
Before I start the questioning, I would like to thank both witnesses for being here.
I have one brief but important request of the committee. I'm hoping we can dispense with this quickly with unanimous consent.
I'm sure we all saw and were greatly troubled by the news article that came out with respect to the Chipewyan First Nation. According to the article, the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, the Mikisew Cree First Nation and the Fort Chipewyan Metis Nation were never told that the environment around “the big dock”, as it's colloquially referred to, was contaminated, despite a report commissioned by the government in 2017 that found elevated levels of arsenic, nickel and hydrocarbons.
My request is simple. We thought about maybe holding an emergency session, but before that, in order to not upend the schedule, what we would propose to do, with unanimous consent, is request from Transport Canada all documents, including the 2017 report and any reports since 2017, relating to, as it's colloquially known, “the big dock” in the Chipewyan First Nation.
Thank you.