Thank you, Chair.
Congratulations on your appointment to this portfolio and welcome to committee.
I've been on this committee since the beginning of this Parliament. We've seen a lot of travel chaos in that time. When we talk about the previous Via incident in Cobourg in December 2022, we had the then-CEO of Via here before committee. I asked him whether he had heard from the then minister, your predecessor's predecessor, at the time of that and thereafter, and he had not. The answer was no.
That same holiday season, we had quite a chaos at the airports in Canada, where people were sleeping on floors and people were stranded in foreign countries. We had the heads of the airport authorities for the three largest airports in the country. We asked them if they had heard from the then minister. The answer was no.
I want to ask and give you the opportunity to respond and tell us how it will be different with you. Obviously, all of these messes have existed and the minister has been missing in action.
I would imagine that during a time of trouble and chaos, the minister would be at the command centre at Transport Canada, with all hands on deck, sleeves rolled up and getting the job done.
You have admitted that it's two big portfolios that you have. How will it be different?