Thank you for your question.
All railway companies must follow the same procedure when they put new trains into circulation.
There are several steps that the railways need to take to fulfill their obligations as regulated entities to provide assurances to us as the regulator that the new fleet meets the new safety standards. It's a lot of engineering paperwork and documentation. It's their obligation to demonstrate to us that the new fleet meets the safety standards.
We do a due diligence review on that, and that includes dry-run inspections before the fleet is introduced to satisfy ourselves that it meets those standards. In addition to that, the company itself has a series of pre-commissioning milestones and procedures that it does. That's the Transport Canada role; we don't have an official certification role. We're not a certification body. However, we do that due diligence review to ensure that the engineering standards and guidelines are being met with any new fleet from any railway company.