It's actually a little more complex. I'll have to explain our funding model.
We are funded in part by the Government of Quebec to conduct round tables. Using the round tables, we develop a water master plan. Our mandate is to get the various water stakeholders in the region working towards the sustainable management of our wonderful water resource.
On top of this, we receive requests, particularly from the Yamaska committee. We receive grants that enable us to work on one project at a time. We don't work for free and we don't offer pro bono services, unfortunately. When we work with clients, they have to pay for our services.
We enjoy an excellent working relationship with the municipalities, as well as with the region's county municipalities across the region. We can play an advisory role. We can also play a coordinating role and we can work on various projects and studies, including urban characterization projects. We can also offer our expertise when this service is required.
Obviously, we would like to expand our mandate. I know this is not part of your remit, but we would like our mandate to be broadened so as to collaborate more extensively on everything to do with waterways and the environment.