For your information, and I say it for the benefit of this committee as well, federal funding has been provided to improve the health of Lake Massawippi. A crisis management committee was created to assess the environmental effects on the lake. This funding comes from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Massawippi Regional Park Authority. These stakeholders have been doing fantastic work together since 2021.
I would like to go back to one point. I want to talk about boats that produce large waves. You used a term that was new to me. When you were talking about these boats, you mentioned wake boats as well as high-speed boats.
A number of witnesses and yourself have spoken at length about the height of waves that have an environmental impact on the shorelines. However, you have not said much about climate change that is responsible for the excessive temperatures or winds we have today that we did not have before, and their effect on waves.
Do you take climate change into consideration in your studies?